August came to an end, and it is clear a change of season is around the corner. A new season brings new opportunities, risks and challenges. How are we preparing?
While it may seem like things slow down in the summer, behind the scenes AWE has been getting ready for a full slate of workshops and events that will be running in September. Our digital marketing program will be in three communities across Alberta starting this month, and we are especially excited to bring the program to Grande Prairie for the first time.
One aspect of preparing for a new season is ensuring you have the resources you need to be successful, and the right processes in place to be effective. For AWE this has meant recruiting for a few new roles on our team, as well as preparing to launch new tools to help us build programs and deliver better service.
As we begin September, I encourage you to ask yourself “What support and resources do you need as an entrepreneur to achieve your goals this fall?”
While we continue our work to provide capital, connections, and training, we are excited for the time ahead as we grow our programs for women business owners to succeed. Today, we have an incredible opportunity to share talent and learn from others around the world who are creating innovative access to capital, skills, knowledge, and markets.
September offers fantastic opportunities to build connections across borders. The upcoming BWIT trade mission to the Go for the Greens conference in Orlando, Florida is focused on generating revenue, growing companies to create more jobs, and exchanging environment-friendly business practices. Go for the Greens will connect women-owned businesses and representatives of corporations, government agencies, and non-profits. The intimate size of this conference, which is limited to 300 attendees, gives corporate buyers and women-owned suppliers maximum exposure to each other.
Closer to home we hope you will join us at a special networking event to bring together Canadian women-owned businesses with participating German Business Women’s Association (VdU) delegates during their visit to Alberta. This visit is the next step in a journey that began in the fall of 2018 when AWE represented the Women’s Enterprise Organizations of Canada (WEOC) on the first Canadian post-CETA trade mission to the EU organized by the Business Women in Trade program of Global Affairs Canada. The mission was focused on connecting women-owned businesses and support organizations who are seeking international growth. One of the direct results was a new relationship between WEOC and the VdU that continues to grow as we plan this visit to Canada and future connections.
In this time of rapid change, it is valuable to build meaningful connections with people who offer diverse perspectives and experiences, spark innovative ideas and learning, and build energy to keep moving forward with purpose. The opportunities mentioned above are only two of many ways to connect your business with others from across Alberta, Canada, and the world. We are here to help and hope you will explore how we can support you on your journey.
Always with gratitude,