Client Feature: Alex Favret

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We sat down with Alex Favret, Founder of Powerhouse Print and former PeerSpark™ participant to learn more about her business, her adventure in growing a business and raising a family, and her experience with AWE.

Q: Tell us how you got started with your business?

A: I’m a serial entrepreneur! I started out in the event industry back in 2001 and those connections eventually led me into opportunities in the print world. I’m now also expanding my reach with my latest venture, Powerhouse CMO.

Q: What do you like most about being an entrepreneur?

A: The people and the flexibility. Each day I get to interact with interesting and inspiring people who I challenge me and help me grow. I also love the flexibility of my schedule which allows me to be nimble for my clients, while also not missing out on important moments in my children’s lives.

Q: Speaking of families, tell us how you balance raising a family and running a business?

A: The most important thing for me is staying diligent. Even though I often work from my home office, I am conscious of setting regular work hours and limiting distractions. My kids are officially on summer holidays now, but that doesn’t mean that I get to hang at the pool with them every least not all day!

Q: How did you get involved with Alberta Women Entrepreneurs (AWE)?

A: My relationship with AWE started back in 2007 when they purchased a conference for women that I produced (which is now their Learning Day). From there, I have continued to work with AWE on their printing needs and I also became a member of PeerSpark™ in 2013. I am currently in the PeerSpark™ alumni program. AWE has also hired our Powerhouse CMO team to be their outsourced marketing department.

Q: What would you say was the most valuable takeaway from the PeerSpark Program for you?

A: Most definitely the insights from other entrepreneurs within the program. Everyone has taken a different path and is able to offer sage advice for situations you might currently be facing. I also loved the facilitated discussions, particularly the Colours Workshop from Juna Consulting. That session gave me great insights on working as a leader and collaborating with others.

Be sure to follow Powerhouse Print on Facebook and Twitter and check out their website

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