Stacy Nehring

UTV Canada

Stacy Nehring is not your traditional CEO in the motorsports industry. Taking risks and trusting her gut, even when the road appears impassable, is what sets her apart from the rest.  Stacy joined the family business, UTV Canada, 11 years ago, and became CEO 7 year later.

In 2016 she joined the AWE Peerspark program and the Peerspark Alumni program which allowed her to increase her confidence and take UTV Canada to the next level of business. Stacy lead the charge pivoting the business opening a retail division when the marketplace nearly forced UTV Canada to close its doors.

Stacy currently is involved in the Entrepreneur’s Organization (EO) and serves on the board of the EO’s Edmonton Chapter as the Membership Engagement Chair.

In 2019 Stacy became the sole owner of UTV Canada by purchasing the company from her parents (founders), and sister. Some of her proudest accomplishments include implementing a CRM, social media advertising and continually improving her e-commerce website which all have had significant impact toward increasing revenue and profits. She also recently implemented an ERP system that will continue to improve efficiency and streamline all departments.

When she’s not busy running the company, Stacy geeks out on reading books in the solitude of her hammock at her acreage, hanging out with her wife and family,  and exploring the great outdoors on her fleet of power sports vehicles. Stacy also loves to travel and hopes to travel across Canada and Europe once COVID allows.
