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Pricing Fundamentals - Pricing Your Products & Services For Maximum Profit

Price is one of the most critical elements in your business. It can be the difference between a product/ service being sold or not. Or whether you make enough profit for your business to be viable. Doing the math to ensure your costs are covered and make enough profit is the first step, but a close second is understanding the market. Pricing is a lot about psychology and what makes people buy. Sometimes consumers' behavior is counter-intuitive. For example, a pricing study showed a $39 priced skirt outsold the same skirt at $35.

So, if you're not sure what to charge or looking to up your pricing game, this session is for you.

You'll learn:

  • The basics of pricing,

  • Pricing models like cost-plus and value-based,

  • Pricing strategies like skimming, competitive and discounting,

  • Psychology of pricing like price anchoring and rule of nines, and

  • How to determine the best approach for your business.

You'll leave this session with a better understanding of pricing strategies to attract the right customer and maximize revenue.


Jenifer Horvath, Business Advisor AWE