Have you ever been overwhelmed by online marketing? The world of digital marketing is continually evolving, whether it be through blogging, SEO, social media, or google ads – it can be challenging to keep up.
AWE is excited to offer Digitally Solid in Edmonton and Calgary starting in September. This 6-month course gives women entrepreneurs hands-on learning on how to become more successful and productive using strategy and technology. With a comprehensive curriculum and a fun interactive learning environment, you'll learn what you need to develop a strategic online marketing presence.
If you'd like more information about the program, join us on August 28 for a free info webinar about the Digitally Solid Program.
In this webinar, you will:
Learn about the program and an overview of the topics
Find out how you and you're business will benefit
Have the opportunity to meet the instructor, Jenifer Horvath
Be able to decide whether or not this program is the right fit for you